Discovering the value
of what lies beneath your land
Oil & Gas Appraisals, Risk-Analysis, Prospecting, Due-Diligence, Legal Support
Forgedale Geological Consulting specializes in portfolio and risk analysis of oil and gas prospects from a geologic and business case perspective — providing due-diligence assessments for private investors, independent oil and gas companies, legal counsel, and financial institutions.
Over 30 years’ experience as a petroleum geoscientist; certified mineral appraiser
Forgedale Consulting works with charities and non-profits appraising in-kind gifts of oil and gas interests.
Forgedale also appraises oil and gas interests for banks, charities and individuals, and has presented at BNY Mellon’s Charitable Wealth Management Conference, Pittsburgh’s Emerging Philanthropy Seminar and the Energy Legacy Organization.
Managing Partner, Betsy Suppes, assists landowners with legal disputes including mineral trespass and unit size, inactive well / royalty payments and appraisals. Betsy holds an M.B.A. and M.S. in geology from Tulane University and a B.S. in geology from Dickinson College
Betsy Suppes, BS MS MBA
AAPG Certified Petroleum Geologist CPG # 6138
IIMA Certified Minerals Appraiser #2020-1
Evaluating the Viability of Oil & Gas Prospects
From performing due diligence and prospect packaging – to oil & gas appraisals and expert witness testimony – Forgedale Geological Consulting provides a wide range of services for clients in the natural resource industry.
International & Domestic Expertise
Expertise includes Australia, Italy, Tunisia, Venezuela, Mexico and the continental United States.